Ask an Expert: Turning a hobby into business
Published on USA Today, December 8, 2014, by Steve Strauss.
Today’s tip: One of the best advocates out there for American made products and manufacturing is actor John Ratzenberger, who not only of course played Cliff on Cheers, but is the only actor to be in every Pixar film (he’s shooting Toy Story 4 right now.)
This year, John has teamed up with the Made in America Store to offer some great holiday gift boxes as a “way to bring attention to this critical issue of putting our country back to work, keeping manufacturing alive and buying domestic made merchandise.” You can support this great cause, and buy some quality made in American-made products, by going here.
Steve Strauss, @Steve Strauss on Twitter, is a lawyer specializing in small business and entrepreneurship. E-mail Steve at: [email protected]. His website isTheSelfEmployed.